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Stiri crestine – Mapamond crestin 465 – 15 iunie 2013

Alfa Omega TV

Stiri crestine dela Alfa Omega TV





Huawei Ascend P6: cel mai subtire smartphone

huawei ascend p6

Noul smartphone de la Huawei a fost anuntat oficial. Ceea ce face ca Huawei Ascend P6 sa fie asa special este grosimea sa, cel mai subtire smartphone de pe piata potrivit companiei, de doar 6.18mm.

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Nokia Lumia EOS va ajunge pe piata ca Lumia 1020


nokia lumia eos

De-a lungul timpului au tot circulat zvonuri legate de noul telefon al celor de la Nokia, care va avea o camera de 41MP. Ultimul dintre ele este acela ca Lumia EOS va fi lansat oficial sub numele de Lumia 1020.

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Resurse Romanesti Scoala

OLIMPICI ROMÂNI Două medalii de aur şi patru medalii de argint la Balcaniada de Matematică pentru juniori

Articol preluat din ADEVARUL.RO

Lotul olimpic de juniori al României a cucerit şase medalii (două de aur şi patru de argint) la cea de-a XVII-a ediţie a Olimpiadei Balcanice de Matematică pentru Juniori, care a avut loc în Turcia (Antalya), în perioada 21 – 26 iunie 2013.

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Arta Muzika

Maestrul Sergiu Celibidache

Sergiu Celibidache (Romanian pronunciation: [ˈserd͡ʒju t͡ʃelibiˈdake]; 28 June 1912 – 14 August 1996) was a Romanian conductor.

Celibidache was born in Roman, Romania, and began his studies in music with the piano, after which he studied music, philosophy and mathematics in Bucharest, Romania and then in Paris. One of the most important influences in his life was his introduction to Martin Steinke, who, being knowledgeable about Buddhism, heavily affected Celibidache’s outlook for the rest of his life.

Sergiu Celibidache studied in Berlin and, from 1945 to 1952, he was principal conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic. He later worked with radio orchestras in Stockholm, Stuttgart and Paris. He also worked in Britain in the late 1940s and 1950s, due partly to the promotional efforts of the pianist Eileen Joyce and her partner, an artists’ agent. Joyce said that Celibidache was the greatest conductor she had ever worked with – „he was the only one who got inside my soul”. In 1970 he was awarded Denmark’s Sonning Award. From 1979 until his death he was music director of the Munich Philharmonic. He regularly taught at Mainz University in Germany and in 1984 taught at the Curtis Institute in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Teaching was a major focus throughout his life and his courses were frequently open to all without fee. One of his notable students was conductor Françoys Bernier.

Celibidache’s approach to music-making is often described in terms of what he did not do instead of what he did. For example, much has been made of Celibidache’s „refusal” to make recordings even though almost all of his concert activity actually was recorded with many released posthumously by major labels such as EMI and Deutsche Grammophon with consent of his family. Nevertheless, Celibidache did pay little attention to making these recordings, which he viewed merely as by-products of his orchestral concerts.

Celibidache’s focus was instead on creating, during each concert, the optimal conditions for what he called a „transcendent experience”. Aspects of Zen Buddhism, such as ichi-go ichi-e, were strongly influential on him. He believed that musical experiences were extremely unlikely to ensue when listening to recorded music, so he eschewed them. As a result, some of his concerts did provide audiences with exceptional and sometimes life-altering experiences, including, for example, a 1984 concert in Carnegie Hall by the Orchestra of the Curtis Institute that New York Times critic John Rockwell touted as the best of his twenty-five years of concert-going.

Celibidache was well known for his demands for extensive rehearsal time with orchestras. An oft-mentioned feature of many of his concerts, captured in the live recordings of them, is a slower tempo than what is considered the norm, while, in fast passages, his tempos often exceeded expectations. In Celibidache’s own view, however, criticism of a recording’s tempo is irrelevant, as it is not (and cannot be) a critique of the performance but rather of a transcription of it, without the ambience of the moment – for him, a key factor in any musical performance. As Celibidache explained, the acoustic space in which one hears a concert directly affects the likelihood of the emergence of his sought-after transcendent experience. The acoustic space within which one hears a recording of one of his performances, on the other hand, has no impact on the performance, as it is impossible for the acoustic features of that space to provide feedback to the musicians that might impel them to, for example, play slower or faster.

That his recorded performances differ so widely from the majority of other recordings has led them to be seen by some as collectors’ items rather than mainstream releases, ‘one-offs’ rather than reference recordings. The reality is that the recordings and their relationship to other recordings are the arena within which his artistic importance is now judged, while the contributions he made in the concert hall fade along with the memories of those who were there.

Notable releases have been his Munich performances of Beethoven, Johannes Brahms, Anton Bruckner, Robert Schumann, Johann Sebastian Bach, Gabriel Fauré and a series of live performances with the London Symphony Orchestra and the Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra.

George Enescu „Romanian Rhapsody” – Sergiu Celibidache conducting the Bucharest „George Enescu” Philharmonic Orchestra at The Romanian Athenaeum (the city’s main concert hall and home of the „George Enescu” Philharmonic and of the George Enescu annual international music festival) in1978 in a unique and magnificent style.

Iata jos cateva piese dirijate de maestrul Celibidache


Ștefan Luchian

28 iunie 1916 – A murit Ștefan Luchian, pictor român, denumit poetul plastic al florilor, exemplu incontestabil pentru toate generatiile de artisti plastici care i-au urmat. Creatia lui Stefan Luchian, discretă şi gingaşă e strabatuta de o lumina interioara, frumusetea naturii, in simplitatea si maretia ei. Din opera sa reţinem mai multe lucrări: peisaje – Ultima cursă de toamnă, Bătălie cu flori la şosea, Mahalaua dracului, Corturi de pe Bărăgan, Gheretele din Filantropia, Lunca de la Poduri; 12 autoportrete, flori – Anemone, Dumitriţe, Părăluţe, Garoafe; oameni simpli: Meşter lăcătuş, Safta florăreasa, Spălătoreasa, La împărţitul porumbului, Lăutul; pastele şi acuarele: După ploaie la Băneasa, Birt fără muşterii, Bucătărie călugărească)..(n.1 februarie 1868).
Mapamond Resurse

Mark Shaw: One very dry demo

Mark Shaw demos Ultra-Ever Dry, a liquid-repellent coating that acts as an astonishingly powerful shield against water and water-based materials. At the nano level, the spray covers a surface with an umbrella of air so that water bounces right off. Watch for an exciting two-minute kicker.

TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world’s leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design – plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more.

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Oferta de vara pentu cei cu laptopuri

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Misiune Resurse

Colecta pentru misiune







Stimați frați și surori în Domnul Isus Hristos,

Un Domn, o credință, un botez. Credincioșii baptiști au ales acest verset biblic ca o afirmare scurtă a identității lor. Venirea noastră împreună a mai adăugat și „o misiune” ca temei al unității noastre în slujire. Această misiune nu este altceva decât trimiterea noastră de către Domnul Isus Hristos ca să ducem Evanghelia la orice făptură și să fim sare și lumină în lume, continuând, astfel, lucrarea Fiului care a fost trimis de Tatăl.

Ca adunări de credincioși baptiști am hotărât împreună ca în fiecare an, bisericile din Uniune să susțină misiunea printr-o colectă specială. Lucrarea lui Dumnezeu din Serbia și din Tadjikistan au fost întărite în acest fel. De asemenea, lucrarea din România și din diaspora europeană au fost consolidate prin organizarea de conferințe de misiune și de zidire.

Vă rugăm ca și în anul acesta să faceți din misiunea Uniunii Baptiste o prioritate susținând cu generozitate colecta de misiune din ziua Cincizecimii. Mai multe informații și materiale de prezentare le găsiți pe pagina web a UBR, la adresa:


Fie ca Dumnezeu să vă binecuvânteze în lucrarea Sa. „Nu voi M-ați ales pe Mine; ci Eu v-am ales pe voi; și v-am rânduit să mergeți și să aduceți rod, și roada voastră să rămână, pentru ca orice veți cere de la Tatăl, în Numele Meu, să vă dea”. (Ioan 15:16)

Otniel Ioan Bunaciu


Uniunea Bisericilor Creștine Baptiste din România



De meditat ... Resurse

E.O. Wilson calls for an Encyclopedia of Life As E.O. Wilson accepts his 2007 TED Prize, he makes a plea on behalf of all creatures that we learn more about our biosphere – and build a networked encyclopedia of all the world’s knowledge about life.

TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world’s leading thinkers and doers are invited to give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes – including speakers such as Jill Bolte Taylor, Sir Ken Robinson, Hans Rosling, Al Gore and Arthur Benjamin. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, politics and the arts. Watch the Top 10 TEDTalks on, at