
Analysis of UN vote recognizing “State of Palestine”; also Israel’s UN ambassador quotes passage from Old & New Testaments

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

UPDATED: On Thursday, 138 nations voted in the U.N. General Assembly (UNGA) to declare a „State of Palestine” and recognize it as a „non-member observer state” within the international community. Forty-one nations abstained from voting. Only nine nations voted against the resolution: the U.S., Israel, Canada, the Czech Republic, the Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau and Panama.

* In his speech to the UNGA, Palestinian Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (aka, Abu Mazen) said, „“We did not come here to delegitimize a state established years ago, and that is Israel. Rather we came to affirm the legitimacy of a state that must now achieve its independence, and that is Palestine.” However, he also praised the Palestinian terrorists who died in the war against Israel last week in Gaza, calling them „beloved martyrs.”

* The Israeli Prime Minister’s spokesman responded: „The world watched a defamatory and venomous speech that was full of mendacious propaganda against the IDF and the citizens…

Vezi articolul original 1.765 de cuvinte mai mult


Analysis of UN vote recognizing “State of Palestine”; also Israel’s UN ambassador quotes passage from Old & New Testaments

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

UPDATED: On Thursday, 138 nations voted in the U.N. General Assembly (UNGA) to declare a „State of Palestine” and recognize it as a „non-member observer state” within the international community. Forty-one nations abstained from voting. Only nine nations voted against the resolution: the U.S., Israel, Canada, the Czech Republic, the Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau and Panama.

* In his speech to the UNGA, Palestinian Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (aka, Abu Mazen) said, „“We did not come here to delegitimize a state established years ago, and that is Israel. Rather we came to affirm the legitimacy of a state that must now achieve its independence, and that is Palestine.” However, he also praised the Palestinian terrorists who died in the war against Israel last week in Gaza, calling them „beloved martyrs.”

* The Israeli Prime Minister’s spokesman responded: „The world watched a defamatory and venomous speech that was full of mendacious propaganda against the IDF and the citizens…

Vezi articolul original 1.765 de cuvinte mai mult


Seara de colinde – Adi Hentea si Marius Sabou

Si eu cu cine votez...?

Imi pare rau pentru clasa politica romaneasca

iata de ce

Cazul Romstrade-Blue Air: raportul integral al Departamentului de Lupta Antifrauda.


Astfel de afaceri nu se fac decat in cardasie cu cei de „sus”

Evenimente crestine

10 zile de post si rugaciune pentru Romania

10 zile de post si rugaciune pentru Romania.

De meditat ...

10 scuze folosinte pentru absenteism de la Biserica (2)

De meditat ...

10 scuze folosinte pentru absenteism de la Biserica

Scuza 1. Prea obosit (ă)

Scuza 2. Nu vreau să pierd meciul

Scuza 3. Mă împac cu Dumnezeu altădată

Scuza 4. Predicatorul e plictisitor

Scuza 5. Biserica e pentru oameni slabi/prostuti

Scuza 6. Ce-o să creadă prietenii mei?

Scuza 7. Serviciile / slujbele ţin prea mult la biserica

Scuza 8. Am ceva mai important de făcut

Scuza 9. Mă descurc şi fără să merg la biserică

Scuza 10. N-am nevoie de Isus



Top 10 Excuses For Not Going To Church:

Excuse 1: Too tired #top10excuses4notgoing2church #tweetcast

Excuse 2: Don’t want to miss football #top10excuses4notgoing2church #tweetcast

Excuse 3: I’ll get right with God on another day #top10excuses4notgoing2church #tweetcast

Excuse 4: The preacher’s boring #top10excuses4notgoing2church #tweetcast

Excuse 5: Church is for sissys #top10excuses4notgoing2church #tweetcast

Excuse 6: What will my friends think? #top10excuses4notgoing2church #tweetcast

Excuse 7: The service goes too long #top10excuses4notgoing2church #tweetcast

Excuse 8: I’ve got more important things to do #top10excuses4notgoing2church #tweetcast

Excuse 9: I’m okay without it #top10excuses4notgoing2church #tweetcast

Excuse 10: I don’t need Jesus #top10excuses4notgoing2church #tweetcast


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Ultimul model de Lamborghini ;)

De meditat ...

Nu tot ce se vede e credibil – „erori” mass-media


Marius Cruceru

Am auzit de mai multe ori gîndirea lozincardă de genul … pe cînd poeţii Angliei, literaţii Germaniei făceau carte, noi ne luptam cu turcii. Noi nu am avut timp să ne construim o cultură solidă, să scriem texte mari.

Da şi nu! Este adevărat, limba română este o limbă cu puţine posibilităţi pentru că avem puţin text scris în româneşte, puţine pagini şi totuşi să nu uităm de un Dosoftei şi ai săi psalmi în versuri, de Micu Klein şi a sa traducere în proză ritmată şi rimată a Imitaţiei lui Cristos, text puţin cunoscut.

De asemenea, am avut muzică şi complexele culturale nu ar trebui să ne blocheze, ci să ne motiveze, pentru că avem pe ce construi.

Iată despre ce vorbesc

via Stefan Colceriu


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