De meditat ...

10 scuze folosinte pentru absenteism de la Biserica (2)

De meditat ...

10 scuze folosinte pentru absenteism de la Biserica

Scuza 1. Prea obosit (ă)

Scuza 2. Nu vreau să pierd meciul

Scuza 3. Mă împac cu Dumnezeu altădată

Scuza 4. Predicatorul e plictisitor

Scuza 5. Biserica e pentru oameni slabi/prostuti

Scuza 6. Ce-o să creadă prietenii mei?

Scuza 7. Serviciile / slujbele ţin prea mult la biserica

Scuza 8. Am ceva mai important de făcut

Scuza 9. Mă descurc şi fără să merg la biserică

Scuza 10. N-am nevoie de Isus



Top 10 Excuses For Not Going To Church:

Excuse 1: Too tired #top10excuses4notgoing2church #tweetcast

Excuse 2: Don’t want to miss football #top10excuses4notgoing2church #tweetcast

Excuse 3: I’ll get right with God on another day #top10excuses4notgoing2church #tweetcast

Excuse 4: The preacher’s boring #top10excuses4notgoing2church #tweetcast

Excuse 5: Church is for sissys #top10excuses4notgoing2church #tweetcast

Excuse 6: What will my friends think? #top10excuses4notgoing2church #tweetcast

Excuse 7: The service goes too long #top10excuses4notgoing2church #tweetcast

Excuse 8: I’ve got more important things to do #top10excuses4notgoing2church #tweetcast

Excuse 9: I’m okay without it #top10excuses4notgoing2church #tweetcast

Excuse 10: I don’t need Jesus #top10excuses4notgoing2church #tweetcast


De meditat ...

6 Intrebari pe care pastorii ar trebui sa (si) le puna


6 Questions Worship Service Planners Should Ask

I think some of the silliness passing for “worship service” in many evangelical churches could be solved by those in the planning stages asking better questions, which is to say, more first principle, self-reflective questions. I have some suggestions, naturally. Of course, these aren’t the only questions worth asking, but I think they provide some good guardrails for those involved in the entire liturgy of a worship gathering, from sermon prep to music selection to sacrament to announcements and all the other nuts and bolts of a service.

1. Is there support for this service element in the Scriptures? 
Even if you’re not a regulative principle church, this is a non-negotiable.

2. Is this element comprehensible to outsiders? 
Total understanding of every element is not possible, of course, and spiritual acceptance isn’t possible for those outside the faith, but unbelievers and other visitors should be able to discern what you’re doing, even if they don’t know why you’re doing it.

3. Is this element edifying to believers? 
Not simply: Is this entertaining or amusing, or will this attract attention or provoke? But: Is this edifying? Is it conducive to the building up of the saints in Christ and God’s love?

4. Is this element offensive, alienating, or marginalizing to any section or subsection of the church body? 
People scoff about music being too loud, but so often this is a legitimate concern for older folks. People may disregard music or sermons that are boring or boringly presented, but so often this is a legitimate concern for younger folks. You obviously can’t please everybody as it pertains to preferences, but our service elements should not be approached insensitively or with disregard for the reality of the body. In other words, we do not challenge the stylistic idolatries of one demographic by satisfying the stylistic idolatries of another. What serves? What ministers? What appropriately allows for participation in the service across the body of Christ? On that note:

5. Does this element exalt God or man?
Apply as needed to everything from sermon points to special music. It’s not about denigrating man, or not recognizing people for various achievements and the like. It is just a good question to ask as it pertains to the focus of a worship service. It could have come in handy in the planning stages of a worship service I once attended where a song about our being able to change the world with our own two hands was part of the worship set. It occurred to me then: “Wait– who am I worshiping right now?” And on that note:

6. Does this element adorn the gospel?
Is this element in service of the gospel or some other message or focus? Or, alternately, Does this element in the worship service make Jesus look big?

Biblice De meditat ... Resurse

3 intrebari pentru predicatori…

1. How does this topic/passage fit into the big story of Scripture?

Cum se potriveste subiectul / pasajul tau in marea poveste a Bibliei?

2. What is distinctively Christian about the way I am addressing the topic/passage?

Ce este in mod specific crestin(altfel decat o fac cei din lume in conferintele lor) in felul cum prezint subiectul/pasajul?

3. How does this truth equip God’s church to live on mission?

Cum echipeaza acest adevar biserica ta pentru a-si indeplini misiunea in viata de zi cu zi ?

Articolul in engleza

3 Questions to Ask of Your Sermon


There has been a lot of talk in recent years about making the gospel announcement of Jesus Christ front and center in our preaching and teaching. As our society becomes increasingly post-Christian, it is critical for us to not assume lost people know who God is, what He is like, and what He has done for us. We need to be clear in what we teach, with a laser-like focus on Jesus Christ our Savior.

But how do we make sure that Jesus is center-stage in our church?

How do we keep other things from taking His place in our sermons, our Sunday School classes or our small groups?

In other words, how do we maintain Christ-centeredness when there are so many other good things vying for our attention and time?

As editor of The Gospel Project, I’ve wrestled with this question. It’s one thing to have “core values” like “Christ-centered” and “mission-driven” written on the page. It’s another thing entirely to make sure that these values are actually expressed in the lessons. To help our writers, we’ve put together three big questions we want them to ask of every lesson.

The more I’ve thought about these questions, the more I am convinced that pastors ought to ask these questions of every sermon they preach. Teachers ought to ask these questions of every lesson they prepare. The questions are a helpful guide to keeping Christ as the focus of our ministry.

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