AUTO Marturii Muzika Romanesti

Cătălin și Ramona – Dați Domnului slavă și cinste

emisiune de la Credo TV despre Muzica si Versuri cu Catalin si Ramona

AUTO Istorica Romanesti

Istoria automobilului romanesc „Dacia”

Istoria Dacia – Mapa Speciala – OMUL SI TIMPUL

Va mai aduceti aminte de autohtona si atotprezenta Dacia?





Cum sa parchezi masina pe hol

Bineinteles daca stai la Hamilton in Singapore  si nu stii ce sa faci cu banii

Iata mai jos

Supercar owners living in an exclusive high-rise apartment block can now park their beloved motors from their – LIVING ROOMS. Hamilton Parks in Singapore is a brand-new 30-storey development where flats cost between £6 and £15 MILLION. But with parking in the city limited, the skyscraper designer came up with an innovative way of parking some of the planets fastest cars. Residents simply drive their 200mph motors into a biometrically-controlled lift at the base of Hamilton Parks on the city’s swanky Orchard Road.


AUTO Resurse

Economizor de combustibil?

Iata o stire romaneasca ce vorbeste despre un dispozitiv simplu ce micsoreaza consumul de carburant


Si varianta lui de peste hotare | 818-232-3411 | * Improves gas mileage up to 24%—you can save hundreds of dollars a year on fuel costs! * You’ll see increased horsepower output, a better and faster ignition and reduced carbon monoxide emission. * Works on all engines and fuels—uses strong magnets for diesels, high-performance, larger and commercial enginesEasy to install—maintenance free! * Place over the incoming fuel line (gas or diesel) in your car, truck, boat or motorcycle and start maximizing your engine’s performance. * Breaks up fuel molecule clusters into smaller, more combustible fragments. * Will dramatically reduce engine maintenance costs by eliminating carbon and varnish deposits, the main source of engine wear. * This is the most effective fuel-enhancing device available. * Does not affect vehicle manufacturer’s warranty.

Can be used on water lines for water treatment in your home for drinking, washing, showering & laundry.

It can be used from 1/2″ up to 1″ pipe. Use two sets, you can apply them to 2″ pipes.



si un link romanesc de unde se poate comanda

Economizor Benzina

AUTO Mapamond Sa zambim :)

Ultimul model de Lamborghini ;)