Resurse Scoala

Cum se misca oceanele – TEDEd Lesson

In cateva cuvinte se explica ce sta in spatele curentilor maritimi si oceanici


The constant motion of our oceans represents a vast and complicated system involving many different drivers. Sasha Wright explains the physics behind one of those drivers – the concentration gradient – and illustrates how our oceans are continually engaging in a universal struggle for space.

Lesson by Sasha Wright, animation by Andrew Foerster.

Resurse Scoala

Mitul folosirii a 10 % din creier

Two thirds of the population believes a myth that has been propagated for over a century: that we use only 10% of our brains. Hardly! Our neuron-dense brains have evolved to use the least amount of energy while carrying the most information possible – a feat that requires the entire brain. Richard E. Cytowic debunks this neurological myth (and explains why we aren’t so good at multitasking).

Lesson by Richard E. Cytowic, animation by TOGETHER.

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Istoria cuvintelor – Lectie TED ED

The older the word, the longer (and more fascinating) the story. With roots in Old English, ‘true’ shares etymological ancestors with words like betroth and truce…but also with the word tree. In fact, trees have been metaphors for steadfastness and faithfulness for as long as the word true has defined the same qualities. Gina Cooke describes the poetic relationship between ‘tree’ and ‘true.’

Lesson by Gina Cooke, animation by Brad Purnell.




Despre miros(uri) – Lectie TED-Ed

An adult human can distinguish up to 10,000 odors. You use your nose to figure out what to eat, what to buy and even when it’s time to take a shower. But how do the molecules in the air get translated into smells in your brain? Rose Eveleth charts the smelly journey through your olfactory epithelium and explains why scent can be so subjective.

Lesson by Rose Eveleth, animation by Igor Coric.


Tantarii – Lectie TED-Ed

Everyone hates mosquitos. Besides the annoying buzzing and biting, mosquito-borne diseases like malaria kill over a million people each year (plus horses, dogs and cats). And over the past 100 million years, they’ve gotten good at their job – sucking up to three times their weight in blood, totally undetected. So shouldn’t we just get rid of them? Rose Eveleth shares why scientists aren’t sure.

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5 trucuri pentru a incuraja copilul sa citeasca in vacanta de vara

5 trucuri pentru a incuraja copilul sa citeasca in vacanta de vara

In general, cititul este printre ultimele „distractii” la care apeleaza copiii atunci cand sunt in vacanta, deoarece cei mai multi asociaza cartile cu scoala si temele! Lectura poate deveni o activitate distractiva in vacanta de vara, daca reusesti sa ii insufli micutului tau pasiunea pentru carti si sa ii arati ca cititul poate fi mai mult decat o simpla activitate educativa! Iata cateva trucuri prin care sa aduci lectura in topul activitatilor preferate de vacanta ale prichindelului tau!

1.Alege carti care-i trezesc interesul!

Majoritatea copiilor asociaza cititul si cartile cu scoala, unde acestea sunt instrumentul de lucru pentru fiecare materie.

Este important sa ii demonstrezi copilului tau ca dincolo de cartile pentru scoala, exista o multime de povesti fascinante care sunt pregatite sa fie descoperite de el. Povesteste-i si prezinta-i fascinantul univers al cartilor de povesti, dar si lucrurile interesante pe care le poate descoperi in lumea magica a eroilor preferati.

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Resurse Scoala

Bucatica de CHIMIE – Buckminsterfullerene


Buckminsterfullerene (or buckyball) is a spherical fullerene molecule with the formula C60. It has a cage-like fused-ring structure (Truncated icosahedron) which resembles a soccer ball, made of twenty hexagons and twelve pentagons, with a carbon atom at each vertex of each polygon and a bond along each polygon edge.

It was first intentionally prepared in 1985 by Harold KrotoJames R. Heath, Sean O’Brien, Robert Curl and Richard Smalley at Rice University.[2]Kroto, Curl and Smalley were awarded the 1996 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their roles in the discovery of buckminsterfullerene and the related class of molecules, the fullerenes. The name is a homage to Buckminster Fuller, as C60 resembles his trademark geodesic domes. Buckminsterfullerene is the most commonly naturally occurring fullerene molecule, as it can be found in small quantities in soot.[3][4] Solid and gaseous forms of the molecule have been detected in deep space.[5]

Buckminsterfullerene is the one of the largest objects to have been shown to exhibit wave–particle duality.[6] Its discovery led to the exploration of a new field of chemistry, involving the study of fullerenes.


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Resurse Romanesti Scoala

Titularizare 2013 – Subiecte si bareme

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Peste 36 000 de candidaţi au susţinut examenul de titularizare în 2013, pentru a ocupa unul dintre cele 6 074 de posturi didactice cu angajare pe perioadă nedeterminată.

Descărcaţi subiectele şi baremele la examenul de titularizare

Subiecte 2013 Învăţători

Bareme 2013 Învăţători

Limba română 2013 – Subiecte

Limba română 2013 – Bareme

Matematică 2013 – Subiecte

Matematică 2013 – Bareme

Biologie 2013 – Subiecte

Biologie 2013 – Bareme

Chimie 2013 – Subiecte

Chimie 2013 – Bareme

Fizică 2013 – Subiecte

Fizică 2013 – Bareme

Istorie 2013 – Subiecte

Istorie 2013 – Bareme

Toate disciplinele_titularizare 2013_subiecte şi bareme

Resurse Scoala

Rata de promovare la liceele baptiste



Încă de la începuturi, credincioşii baptişti au promovat educaţia, combătând  analfabetismul, încurajând cititul Scripturii, cartea de căpătâi a credinciosului evanghelic. Cursurile şi studiile biblice iniţiate de Uniunea Baptistă şi Seminarul Teologic, studii care au fost extinse la nivelul ţării au avut un rol determinant ca factor de educaţie biblică şi culturală în acelaş timp.

   Astăzi, în cadrul Cultului Creştin Baptist din România funcţionează 7 licee (2.851 elevi), 4 şcoli primare (484  elevi), 15 grădiniţe (665 preşcolari), cu un total  de 4.000  preşcolari şi elevi.
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Resurse Romanesti Scoala

OLIMPICI ROMÂNI Două medalii de aur şi patru medalii de argint la Balcaniada de Matematică pentru juniori

Articol preluat din ADEVARUL.RO

Lotul olimpic de juniori al României a cucerit şase medalii (două de aur şi patru de argint) la cea de-a XVII-a ediţie a Olimpiadei Balcanice de Matematică pentru Juniori, care a avut loc în Turcia (Antalya), în perioada 21 – 26 iunie 2013.

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