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ONE VISION - Peniel la LondraConferinta se va desfasura sub denumirea ONE VISION.

Conferinta va avea loc la El-Shaddai International Christian Centre; The Hippodrome, North End Road, Golders Green, London, NW11 7RP;

Vor predica evanghelia:

Mihai DUMITRASCU – pastor in Biserica Emanuel din Galati (, este absolvent al Christ for the Nations Institute (Dallas) si al Advanced Training Studies – BEE. Actualmente parcurge un program de masterat in cadrul Fuller Theological Seminary din California. Mihai este membru fondator al BIG Impact ( si presedintele Comunitatii Regionale Penticostale Constanta. Este casatorit cu Neli si are trei copii: Flavius, Evelin si Remus.

Bill PREVETTE – misionar AG din 1986 in tari precum India, Singapore, Indonezia, Tailanda, Cambogia si Romania; si-a obtinut masteratul la Fuller Theological Seminary si doctoratul la Oxford Centre for Mission Studies, UK unde si slujeste in prezent ( Autor al cartii „Child, Church and Compassion”, Bill este casatorit cu Ky si impreuna au un fiu pe nume Daniel.

Vor sustine diverse seminarii: Vlad CRIZNIC (Intrebari dificile despre credinta crestina); Mihai DUMITRASCU (Seminar pentru familii); Addy FISCA si echipa (Despre inchinarea practica) si Lucian ONIGA (Despre puritate).

4. Ne va conduce in inchinare Peniel Band.

5. Participarea la conferinta va fi conditionata de:
a. Inscrierea pe situl Peniel ( pana la data limita de 27 noiembrie. Recomandam ca fiecare lider de tineret sa-si inscrie grupul de care va raspunde pe intreaga perioada a conferintei! La registratura, numai liderul de grup se va prezenta pentru a face demersurile necesare intrarii in sala!
b. Achitarea unei contributii de 10 Lire la locul conferintei.

6. Program:

Sambata, 1 decembrie:

Receptia: 9:00 – 10:00
Sesiunea I: 10:00 – 11:30 (sesiune comuna)
11:30 – 12:00 pauza de cafea / ceai

Sesiunea II: 12:00 – 13:30 (seminarii paralele)
Timp liber: 13:30 – 17:00

Sesiunea III: 17:00 – 19:00 (sesiune comuna)

7. Pentru a incuraja participarea familistilor cu copii mici, anul acesta vom asigura „babysitting” intr-o sala anexa. Pentru a confirma numarul de copii si varsta lor, va rugam sa luati legatura cu Marta Sorhent la sau la tel.

Pentru pregatirea spirituala a acestei conferinte, va rugam sa fiti alaturi de noi in post si rugaciune speciala in fiecare zi de vineri a lunii noiembrie.


Anglicans Finally Have New Archbishop Of Canterbury: Justin Welby

Christianity Today

New leader of world’s 77 million Anglicans replaces outgoing Rowan Williams.

Melissa Steffan

After a decision-making delay that lasted several weeks, the 77 million-member Anglican Communion is prepared to enthrone the next Archbishop of Canterbury: Bishop of Durham Justin Welby, according toearly media reports.

The Daily Telegraph noted that „theologically, [Welby] is unashamedly part of the evangelical tradition, upholding a more traditional and conservative interpretation of the Bible than some in the Church of England. But he is also a strong advocate of more modern styles of worship.”

The Daily Mail noted that Welby „would represent a significant swing to the right for the Anglican church, following the controversial liberal stance of his predecessor Dr Rowan Williams.”

Welby was widely viewed as the front runner, beating out Archbishop of York John Sentamu and Bishop of London Richard Chartres.

But the decision itself is almost overshadowed by frustration that it has taken so long. Rowan Williams announced his intention to step down from his role as archbishop in March, and a 16-member Crown Nominations Commission „has been ‘discerning’ the choice” ever since. The decision was expected several weeks ago.

Anglican clergy warned the Commission that worshipers were „losing trust” over the „ridiculous secrecy” of the choice, contrasting the process to that of the Coptic Orthodox Church, which openly posted its selection process online and announced its newest leader, Bishop Tawadros II, last week.

CT reported the selection of Tawadros by casting lots. CT also has covered outgoing Archbishop Rowan Williams, including his decision to step down and his earlier argument that English law should make some space for Islamic law.

posted by Melissa Steffan




48 dead after earthquake rocks Guatemala


By the CNN Wire Staff

November 8, 2012 – Updated 0247 GMT (1047 HKT)
A strong quake struck off the Pacific coast. In Guatemala, where many people fled buildings as the tremor first hit.

(CNN) – A powerful earthquake off the Pacific coast of Guatemala on Wednesday sent debris crashing down onto cars, collapsed roads and killed dozens in the Central American nation, officials said.

At least 48 people died in the temblor, President Otto Perez Molina said in a Twitter post Wednesday night, and doctors treated at least 150 others for injuries.

Earlier Wednesday, Guatemala’s disaster relief agency said 29 people were missing and hundreds had lost their homes.

Residents felt the 7.4-magnitude quake throughout Central America and as far north as Mexico City. Its epicenter was about 15 miles off the western coastal town of Champerico, at a depth of 26 miles.,

A 7.4-magnitude earthquake hit Wednesday off the coast of Guatemala, near its border with Mexico.
A 7.4-magnitude earthquake hit Wednesday off the coast of Guatemala, near its border with Mexico.

It was the strongest quake to hit Guatemala since 1976, the president told reporters, when a 7.5-magnitude quake killed 23,000 people.

„Fortunately, the damage that we have is not at the same level,” Perez Molina said Wednesday.

iReport: Video from the quake

Roads collapsed in multiple locations around the Pacific coastal region of Guatemala, Perez Molina said.

Photos on the Facebook page of the nation’s disaster relief agency showed rubble crushing cars and damage to the ceiling at a school in the department of San Marcos.

There were reports of homes and schools destroyed in western Guatemala, Perez Molina told CNN en Español. Many people fled buildings when the tremor first hit.

Some 60,000 people remained without power in the country because of the quake, the state-run AGN news agency reported.

It was fortunate that the school year in Guatemala had recently come to end, so that no children were inside the school buildings that were damaged, Perez Molina said.

In Guatemala City, 140 miles away from the quake’s epicenter, the quake made the desk and printer sway side to side in Fernando McDonald’s home office.

McDonald, who shared a video of the quake with CNN’s iReport, described the quake as „strong and long.”

Fearing powerful aftershocks, the government issued a „red alert” that warns people to take precautions, such as evacuating tall buildings. The alert stretches along the country’s entire Pacific coast.

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Cum iti folosesti ochii!?!

Guarding the Gospel - Bebe Ciausu

Un păstor (îmi plac ilustraţiile cu păstori, oare de ce?) era neobişnuit de liniştit şi chiar bucuros în situaţii foarte dificile, în necazuri şi încercări de tot felul. Odată, unul dintre membrii bisericii pe care o slujea l-a întrebat:
– Care este secretul tău? Ce te face să fii atât de liniştit şi de bucuros când treci prin necazuri? – Îmi folosesc foarte bine ochii, a răspuns păstorul.
– Ochii? Nu înţeleg!
– E foarte simplu, a răspuns păstorul. În primul rând, privesc spre cer şi îmi aduc aminte unde este destinaţia mea finală. Apoi, privesc în jos spre pământ şi îmi dau seama cât de puţin loc voi ocupa în mormânt după ce voi muri. În cele din urmă, privesc în jur şi văd atât de mulţi oameni care sunt în situaţii mai disperate decât a mea.
Apoi, privind plin de compasiune către cel din faţa lui, îi spuse:…

Vezi articolul original 96 de cuvinte mai mult